Philips Support

How can I get the HomeID App?

نشرت في 16 October 2024
If you find your HomeID App is crashing frequently, try the following options one by one: 
1. Close and restart the HomeID App. 
2. Ensure you installed the latest version of the HomeID App. Check for updates in your App Store. 
3. Restart your phone.
4. Empty the cache of your phone (Settings / HomeID / Empty Cache)
5. As last option you can remove and reinstall the HomeID App.
If nothing from above worked, please reach out to your local Philips Customer Support.
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Smartphone and Tablet Requirements

Apple iOS 
The NutriU app is compatible with Apple iPhones. You’ll need to have minimum iOS 14.0 installed.  
If you are using an Android Smart device you will need minimum Android 9.0. 
The app can also be run on tablets, but as it is designed for smartphones you might not be able to view it correctly on a tablet. 

تنطبق المعلومات الواردة في هذه الصفحة على النماذج التالية: HD9200/90 , NA229/00 , NA322/00 , NA332/00 , NA110/00 , NA130/00 , NA220/00 , HD9880/91 , HD9285/94 , HD9280/90 , HD9953/00 , HD9252/20 , HD9270/20 , HD9200/20 , HD9270/90 , HD9252/90 , HD9218/54 , HD9218/51 , HD9860/94 , HD9955/00 , HD9260/91 , HD9260/94 , HD9954/01 , HD9904/01 , HD9925/01 , HD9950/01 , HD9951/01 , HD9630/24 , HD9650/94 , HD9621/44 , HD9650/91 , HD9216/84 , HD9623/84 , HD9623/34 , HD9641/94 , HD9645/24 , HD9645/21 , HD9247/31 , HD9248/91 , HD9247/36 , HD9621/94 , HD9623/14 , HD9623/11 , HD9238/01 , HD9238/03 , HD9980/20 , HD9909/00 , HD9911/90 , HD9910/20 , HD9240/36 , HD9905/00 , HD9220/22 , HD9925/00 . انقر هنا لإظهار المزيد من أرقام المنتجات انقر هنا لإظهار عدد أقل من المنتجات

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