Philips Support

Where is the model and serial number of my Philips Hair Styler?

نشرت في 19 November 2024
Depending on your hair styling device you may find the model and serial number on different locations on your hair care device. Model numbers for Philips Hair Stylers usually start with an HP or BH, followed by a number. The serial number has 4 digits in the format of YYWW (year and week.)


The model number for hair dryers can be found on the back of the handle or under the main body.
Model number Philips Hair Dryers

Hair straighteners

The model number for hair straighteners is located on the inner body, under the straightening plate.
Model number Philips Hair Straightener


For Philips Hair Stylers and Curlers the model number can be found at the back of the handle.
Model number Philips Multistyler
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