Please keep the right distance from your infrared lamp to get the best results and to prevent injury.
What distance should I keep from my Philips InfraCare?
Published on 2016-10-04
Distance per InfraCare
The following distances between device and body are recommended during use:
- HP3621 – 20-30 cm
- HP3631 – 30-40 cm
- HP3641 / HP3643 – 40-50 cm
Importance of proper distance
At a larger distance, the area treated becomes larger and therefore the heat spread by the infrared light less intense. At a smaller distance, the area treated is smaller and therefore the heat more intense.
Please note:
- Make sure the distance between your body and the appliance is large enough to prevent accidental contact with the hot filter;
- Choose a distance at which the heat is comfortable and increase the distance if the heat becomes too intense.