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Philips Middle East and Africa - Main Office Choueiri Group Building, Dubai Knowledge Village Al Sufouh 2, P.O.Box: 7785, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 446 1100 Fax: +971 4 446 1190
3293 Anas Ibn Malik - Al Malqa Dist. Unit No 520 Riyadh 13521 - 8362 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +966-11-283 4607
Suite No. 403, 4th Floor, Jameel Square Building Tel: +966 2 610 5505
Tahliya St., Corner of Tahliya & Al Andalus Street
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Eastern Cement Tower, 5th Floor. Office 504 King Fahad Road. P.O. Box 8501 Alkhobar 34421 Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia Tel: +96638870227 Fax: +96638870467
12th floor, Star Capital 8, City Stars, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt Tel: +20224801450 Fax: +20224801458
7th Floor, Jallad Bldg., Riad El Solh, Bank St. P.O Box 11319, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +9611980016
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