Philips Support

My Philips Sonicare AirFloss works less powerfully

Published on 04 August 2023
If your AirFloss works less powerfully, the troubleshooting tips below may help you find a solution.

We recommend you follow the steps in the order listed below. In between steps, check to see if the issue is resolved before moving to the next. 

On the back of your AirFloss, there is a small air vent in the reservoir hatch. If the air vent is clogged, it will reduce the water flow. A clogged air vent is causing the AirFloss to work less powerfully. 

To clean the vent, follow the steps below:

  1. Take a damp/moist paper towel or cotton swab.
  2. Wipe along the inside edge of the reservoir door opening, especially on the top area.
  3. Rinse well with cold tap water and ensure no debris/dust is left.
Philips Sonicare Airfloss reservoir door

When the nozzle is clogged, the AirFloss push less water through. A clogged nozzle can cause the AirFloss to work less powerfully. You will need to clean the nozzle. Find below how to do so:

  1. Remove the nozzle from the handle and rinse it under warm water.
  2. Add two parts of warm water and one part of white vinegar in a container.
  3. Soak the nozzle in the container for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Take the nozzle out and rinse under warm water.
  5. Place the nozzle back on the handle and check if the issue is solved. If still, no water is streaming, move to the next step.
If none of these tips help, your AirFloss may be damaged internally. We recommend that you request a exchange for your AirFloss.
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