استعِن بالدعم الخاص بالمنتجات، بما في ذلك معلومات التنظيف والتعقيم ومقاطع فيديو تعليمية والمزيد غيرها.
استكشف مجموعة شاملة من حلول المنتجات والخدمات للتعامل مع المرضى المصابين بفيروس كوفيد-19.
يُطلب من فرق تكنولوجيا المعلومات تطوير التحول الرقمي في مجال الرعاية الصحية على الأمد الطويل، للتخفيف من خطر النمو غير المسبوق للبيانات غير المنظمة، وتوحيد منصات تكنولوجيا المعلومات، ومحاربة التهديدات الإلكترونية المعقّدة بشكل متزايد؛ وفي الوقت نفسه، يتعيّن على فرق تكنولوجيا المعلومات نفسها هذه أن تؤدّي عملها وتعمد سريعًا إلى تكييف البيئة الجديدة في أزمة كوفيد-19 العالمية، من خلال اتخاذ تدابير تحافظ على دعم فريق الرعاية فيما تتجنّب انتهاك خصوصية بيانات المرضى وأمنها وامتثالها.
الموارد الرقمية لتقديم الرعاية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات للرعاية الصحية:
The Lumify L12-4 linear array transducer provides high resolution imaging for shallow applications: Soft Tissue, Vascular, Superficial, Musculoskeletal, and Lung. With a battery-free transducer for lightweight control, a quick-connect platform for professional collaboration, and convenient connectivity for data sharing, Lumify brings you countless real-world applications, in real time. Learn more about the Philips Lumify L12-4 Linear Array transducer below.
The Lumify C5-2 curved array transducer provides high-resolution imaging for deeper applications with optimized imaging presets for abdominal, gall bladder, OB/GYN, and lung imaging. With a battery-free transducer for lightweight control, a quick-connect platform for professional collaboration, and convenient connectivity for data sharing, Lumify brings you countless real-world applications, in real time. Learn more about the Philips Lumify C5-2 Curved Array transducer below.
Bringing ultrasound capabilities to the palm of your hand, Philips Lumify combines transducers and an ultrasound app to bring diagnostic capabilities to your compatible Android smart phones and tablets. Acquire critical clinical data quickly and easily in more POC scenarios: emergency medicine, critical care, bedside, and office practice. When you purchase Lumify outright, you get the Lumify transducer(s), the Lumify app, software upgrades, and a manufacturer's warranty. Your purchase also includes a Carry case for your device and transducer.
You no longer have to trade performance for portability, the Philips CX50 POC system combines excellent image quality with a small, lightweight, and highly maneuverable cart, making it easy to bring premium performance ultrasound to the bedside.
Philips Sparq ultrasound system makes scanning and interpreting quality ultrasound images in the ICU simple, so you can work fast and with ease, giving you more time to focus on your patients.
EPIQ Elite Elevate provides high-quality imaging and tailored clinical information to help clinicians deliver timely, confident answers to more patients worldwide. With advanced intelligence and an exceptional level of performance, EPIQ Elite meets the demands of today’s most challenging practices.
Affiniti 70 Elevate is the most advanced system in the Affiniti family, delivering stunning image quality and a suite of premium clinical features. Offering new levels of diagnostic confidence and reproducibility, it is designed for fast-paced environments with enhanced workflow and robust performance—helping you deliver the best possible care every day.
Now the performance your practice demands also fits your budget. We’ve taken proven, advanced Philips technologies and put them into Access CT for enhanced diagnostic confidence, at an attractive total cost of ownership.
Incisive CT helps you meet some of your organization’s most pressing challenges. Philips Incisive CT offers intellect at every step, from acquisition through results, and across all fronts: financial, clinical and operational. Like never before, operator and design efficiencies come together for wise decisions from start to finish with an unprecedented Tube for Life guarantee¹. Now with the CT Smart Workflow, Incisive CT has further differentiated itself. CT Smart Workflow is an entirely new package of AI enabled tools that bring you the industry’s fastest AI reconstruction, automatic patient positioning and so much more to aid successful exams with fast results at low dose. From motion-free cardiac imaging to interventional procedures with confidence, CT Smart Workflow offers you advances that matter in your day-to-day imaging.
Efficiency is built into Philips CT 5000 Ingenuity from start to finish and now new enhancements do even more to help you take control of the day with proven consistency and performance for excellent patient care.
The Philips CT 6000 iCT solution enhances your patient care with comprehensive capabilities and advanced tools for high quality, low-dose cardiovascular imaging, enhancing diagnostic confidence and helping you to optimize value for your investment.
Philips MX16 CT scanner is evolving the way that clinicians are able to care for patients by offering them exceptional image quality with low dose, high patient throughput, and attractive total cost of ownership.
The IQon Spectral CT is the world’s first and only detector-based spectral CT, delivering multiple layers of retrospective data in a single, low-dose scan. Fully integrated with your current workflow, this proprietary approach to CT delivers extraordinary diagnostic quality, empowering you to improve your clinical confidence and make the right diagnosis in the first scan.
Big Bore RT is designed as a CT simulator to enhance clinical confidence, accelerate time to treat and maximize value of its investment without compromising on patient experience – four dimensions that are essential towards excellent care.
Supported by rigorous clinical evidence, Vereos is the world’s first and only fully digital, clinically proven, PET/CT solution . With proprietary Digital Photon Counting technology for outstanding advances all along the imaging chain, Vereos exemplifies an established total solution to reveal more, earlier, to help you improve patient care and manage costs.
The MobileDiagnost wDR mobile radiography system offers outstanding workflow, brilliant image quality and the full efficiency of Philips’ premium digital radiography all packed into a simple, secure and flexible mobile X-ray system.
The system allows you to comfortably see more patients per day and shorten patient wait times by decreasing the time to diagnosis with innovative tools that help drive workflow efficiency. DigitalDiagnost C90’s live tube head camera, versatile room configurations, and exam automation technologies all help assure outstanding patient throughput.
With digital radiography systems that reflect a sensible marriage of function and fiscal responsibility, your patients benefit from fast and smooth examinations. Your facility benefits from a reputation for quality, by offering reliable imaging services based on Philips proven technology.
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